Manage Alerts

Alert processing consists of creating and maintaining Triggers, and managing the Alerts created by events causing the execution of the Triggers.


To view Alerts, from the top menu bar click Alerts then Manage. This form displays a list of Alerts that can be managed by the user.

Set Filter

To filter the Alerts displayed, click Set Filter. A form is displayed which allows you to set filter criteria of Dates, Vehicle, Worker, Code, User, or Status to restrict the alerts shown in the list.

Clear Filter

When a Filter is set, to clear the Filter, click Clear Filter in the top left of the form displayed.


To manage an Alert, click Manage in the Actions column on the row of the Alert. A form is displayed to manage the alert. All data related to the Alert is shown and the user may add Notes to the Alert and then mark is as Pending or Resolved.

  • Type notes in the field New Note.
  • Use the drop down to select Assign To.
  • Click Mark Pending or Mark Resolved to save updates.


To clear an Alert, click Clear in the Actions column on the row of the Alert. The Alert will be removed from the main screen alert notifications.