How To Replace A GPS Unit For A Vehicle

GPS units may need to be replaced. This may be done only a by a user with TenantAdmin authority.

To do this:

  1. Go to the Resources menu and select GPS Units.
  2. Click on the New GPS Unit link.
  3. Enter the data for the new unit.
  4. Click OK to save.
  5. Go to the Resources menu and select Vehicles.
  6. Click the Edit link for the vehicle where the GPS unit is to be replaced.
  7. Click the Remove button for the unit to be replaced.
  8. Click the Add GPS Unit and select the replacement unit.
  9. Click OK to save.
  10. If the GPS unit is to be returned, follow steps 11 and 13.
  11. Go to the Resources menu and select GPS Units.
  12. Click on the Edit link for the unit removed.
  13. Then click the Delete button.