To view the User Profile, from the top menu bar click Hello then Edit My Profile; the form displays the current profile settings. Click OK to save changes.
Tenant Name
The name of the organization to which the User belongs; your company name.
Plan Start Time
Create Daily Plan in Advance (hours)
The Features list indicates the features activated by the Support team based on the configuration.
Route Lines
Planned Trace Thickness
Planned Trace Opacity
Actual Trace Thickness
Actual Trace Opacity
GPS Unit
Assume Stop No Motion
Assume Idle No Motion
Assume Stop in Geofence
Movement Limit (feet)
Movement Limit (speed)
Moving to Unknown Time
Stopped to Unknown Time
Show Pings on Date Change
Highlight Geofence Pings
Show Times on Route Pings
Suppress Zero Observations
Default Zoom Level
Single Trip Color
Trips are Grey until Shown on Map
Show Last Ping Only
Show Routes on Date Change
Show Routes on Selection
Show Events on Selection
Show Start / End Symbol on Routes
Show Trip List on Selection
All Trips Same Color
Location Point Display Limit (miles)
Location Polygon Display Limit (miles)
Upload Locations with Jobs
Default Location Marker
Identify No Motion As
Show Position in Tooltip
Show Weather on Menu
Show Forecast on Menu
Show Address on Menu
Show Stop List Details
Enable All Stop Lists
Enable Priority Alert Popup
Enable Hiding Alert Before Opening
Trip List
Initial Trip Columns
Show Trip Code
Show Vehicle Name
Show Vehicle Description
Show Worker Short Name
Show Worker Long Name
Create Trip Columns to Fit
Compress Buttons
Show Position Arrows
Shade Background
Exclude Facility Stops
Show Status as Color Dots
The Authorization selections control what the User can view, edit, add, or delete. Default User Authorizations are applied to the User at initial setup based on their role and can be changed by editing the User. Tick or untick the selection boxes to add or remove functionality.
include special characteristics and qualifications. These could include Vehicle characteristics like lift gate, side door, or truck type. These could include Worker characteristics like languages or skills. The Assignment Rules enable Location requirements to be matched to Vehicle or Worker characteristics. For example, if a Location does not have a loading dock the Assignment Rule should include the need for a vehicle with a lift gate.