Admin Groups

Admin Groups are an optional feature that can be used to assign Trips, Vehicles, Workers and Locations into groups for reporting purposes. Admin Groups should be meaningful to the organization; they could be geographic or product / service based or any other grouping meaningful to the company. 

To view existing Admin Groups, from the top menu bar click Resources then Admin Groups. The form displays a list of all current Admin Groups.

New Admin Group

To create an Admin Group, click New Admin Group and in the form displayed enter the required field Group Name; click OK to save changes. Additional information can be entered for the Admin Group. 

Group NameThe short name of the admin group. This is the only required field.
DescriptionA longer description of the admin group.
Assignment CentroidA location associated with this admin group, identifying the default starting and ending location for all trips assigned to this admin group. This field is only shown when a configuration parameter is set.
Is Assignment Group


To edit an existing Admin Group, click Edit in the Actions column on the row of the Admin Group. A form is displayed to change the information; make changes and click OK to save the Admin Group.

The form also shows all Vehicles and Workers assigned to the Admin Group.

Trip Filter

To use the Admin Group functionality to view a subset of Trips on the dashboard, from the Dashboard menu bar, select Trip Filter.

Using the Trip Filter search parameters can be selected for either vehicle status or Admin Groups.  Select one or more Admin Groups and click OK.  Use the Clear All button to reset selections.