Menu Authority

Main MenuMenu ItemMinimum AccessDescription
Map SupervisorReturn to Map – used only when using a form that does not keep the map open
Plans Tenant AdminPlan (schedules) forms
PlansTemplate PlansTenant AdminCreate and maintain template plans
PlansDaily PlansPlannerMaintain daily plans
PlansTrip DefaultsTenant AdminMaintain trip defaults
PlansJob DefaultsTenant Admin
Locations SupervisorMaintain locations
Alerts ManagerMaintain triggers and alerts
AlertsTriggersTenant AdminCreate and maintain triggers
AlertsManageManagerManage alerts
Video Video LibraryManagerAccess video library
Resources Tenant AdminAll resources
ResourcesAdmin GroupsTenant AdminCreate and maintain admin groups
ResourcesGPS UnitsTenant AdminMaintain GPS units (GPS units and be created only by the Support admin)
ResourcesGPS Unit TypesTenant AdminMaintain parameters for GPS unit types (GPS unit types can be created only by the Support admin)
ResourcesLocation CategoriesTenant AdminCreate and maintain location categories
ResourcesVehiclesTenant AdminCreate and maintain vehicles
ResourcesWorkersTenant AdminCreate and maintain workers
ResourcesUsers and ContactsTenant AdminCreate and maintain users for platform access
Reports ManagerAll reports
DataTenant Admin
DataConfigure Dispatch DownloadTenant Admin
DataConfigure GPS Unit UploadTenant Admin
DataConfigure Location and Job UploadTenant Admin
DataConfigure Location UploadTenant Admin
DataConfigure Vehicle UploadTenant Admin
DataConfigure Worker UploadTenant Admin
Hello…  Current logged in user forms
Hello…Edit My ProfileTenant AdminChange parameters for all users within the tenant
Hello…Change PasswordSupervisorChange user password
Hello…Emergency!Tenant AdminSend emergency alert
Hello…Release NotesUser configurationSee release notes
Hello…GlossaryUser configuration
Hello…FAQUser configuration
Hello…PrivacyUser configuration
Hello…LicenseUser configuration
FeedbackSupervisorSend feedback to the Support team
Log OutSupervisorLog out